The village came together to celebrate with games, races, activities and cream teas...
There was a great turn-out for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Fete which was held in the Parish Field. The W.I. provided a Washing-Line Hoopla game. The Royal British Legion brought ice-creams. Face-painting was provided by Edington Under-5s. The Gardening Club brought plants. The Parish Hall committee provided cream teas in the churchyard and Liz Pike taught us a Morris Dance! There were games, activities, races and a tug-of-war. All in all it was a village-wide afternoon of fun to celebrate Her Majesty's Jubilee.
Platinum Jubilee Fete
Platinum Jubilee Fete
Platinum Jubilee Fete
Platinum Jubilee Fete
Platinum Jubilee Fete
Platinum Jubilee Fete
Platinum Jubilee Fete
Platinum Jubilee Fete
Platinum Jubilee Fete
Platinum Jubilee Fete